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The Journal of Maria Terezia Ferencz

11-26-06 2:11 am
11/26/2006 07:23 a.m.
I am awake when I have no business being wide eyed. I should be firmly embedded in La La land. Alas I am not. I have not really been here either. Here being Pathetic? Pathetic being here. I can blame it on a ton of things, lack of time, lack of imagination, lack of..........nevermind. I will put it all down to I needed to stay away and that is all?
I am awake when I have no business being wide eyed, I am repeating myself in text to annoy myself as punishment. I should be asleep. I should try to sleep. I should medicate myself. Perhaps I will eat, a potato....tryptophan induced coma.....a whole field of potatoes, hand dug. That way if the tryptophan does not do it sheer exhaustion will. My nails will be filthy but who cares? If I keep up this no sleeping trend I will be insane and unkempt anyway. Probably would smell a whole lot better though. I might want to think about this before I start digging, I am kind of funny about smells. Maybe I can lull myself to sleep if I count turnkeys....not sheep, they are boring. Although cute and fuzzy when I think of them I become hungry, I like the way they taste more than I like the way they look. So I will stick with turnkeys.
Oh yes I just read this, I am already quite insane. But I still smell good. Thank God.
I am currently Weird
I am listening to why is there no insane in the mood category???

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by Shonda Creemer on 11/26/06 at 06:40 PM

I count Cherubs when I can't sleep. (which is quite often)

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