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The Journal of Brian Francis

01/07/2010 05:02 p.m.
I’ve been told that I’m a good listener. While I am not sure why, I have always been a person others turn to for an opinion or outright guidance. I am generally willing to hear a person out -- since I like also to vent at times. One of the things that I find curious is personal perspective. Perspective is a very unique thing. Every individual has a history and that history often is the filter through which we perceive our reality. This, I think, is why two people can heatedly argue about things that are in reality unimportant. We all want our perspective to be validated; we all want to believe that we are basing our opinions and ideas on what is a true reality. Perspective, I believe, is the most ill-considered aspect of our personal lives. We all have one, colored by our past, giving reality our own personal sepia tone.
I am currently Weird
I am listening to AN angry cockatoo screaming her demands

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by George Hoerner on 04/23/17 at 03:10 AM

If you can maintain this attitude while living through a day you are a far better person than most of us. But at least it something to try!

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