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The Journal of Trisha De Gracia

I wrote you (another) poem
09/24/2009 04:46 a.m.
This one was about Sept 12, but then I thought it was coarse of me. Anything about a day so monumental as this would have to go to you, and just to you.

And then, of course, to her if you pleased, which, of course, you likely would :)
And that is fine. That is wonderful. I think she'd understand, and I know you would.

So if I ever get it right, or nearly right, then you'll get it.

How interesting this journey's been...

The most joy and love to you both

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by J. P. Davies on 10/03/09 at 10:23 PM

Thanks Trish :)

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Posted by J. P. Davies on 10/03/09 at 10:23 PM

Thanks Trish :)

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Posted by J. P. Davies on 10/03/09 at 10:23 PM

Thanks Trish :)

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Posted by J. P. Davies on 10/03/09 at 10:24 PM

Whoa Triple Post

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