The Journal of Megan Langley Teacher versus Student
09/09/2005 06:57 p.m.
I had someone ask me why I wasn't excited about the pep rally... Well, things seem quite different from the other side. I remember in high school absolutely LOVING pep rally days. I mean, you get out of class, you get to hang out with your friends, you get to yell and scream to your heart's content, and all the other obvious reasons. But now, I'm realizing things aren't so great as they seemed back then. A pep rally from a teachers point of view is, well, not that great. I just found myself wishing I was back in high school. I miss having fun and not stressing over real life issues. I want to retreat to that time of my life. After the first week of school (as a teacher), I'm more exhausted and drained than I ever had been as a student.
I miss youth and innocence... (this coming from a 21-year-old) I am currently Exhausted
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