
The Journal of Megan Langley

Let the Student-Teaching Begin...
01/27/2005 12:35 a.m.
So, student-teaching began last week... and I only went for 2 freakin days because of a holiday and 2 snow days. And this week, 2 more snow days. I should be happy about this (and I kinda am) but I feel like I will be thrown into teaching next week without knowing my students. And I'm not thrilled about teaching The Odyssey. I mean, how am I supposed to get my high school freshman excited about something that I skipped segments of the reading from my freshman year of college? Oye, not looking forward to it.

I think the snow days also were depressing because I had no one to enjoy them with (other than my mom, but that's kinda lame and she is starting to wear on my nerves). It just sucks to be home with no friends. I did talk to a friend from high school online a few days ago... hadn't talked to him in at least 2 years, if not more. So, it was nice to hear about his life now :) and it involved politics of course, I would never expect anything less. I totally will vote for him if he ever runs for President (which wouldn't surprise me).

Okay, so I'm rambling because I'm lonely. This is sad. Well at least I have 2 TV shows to watch tonight. If you don't watch Alias, you suck because that is the best freakin show EVER! Okay, going now...

I am currently Sad

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