The Journal of Melanie J Yarbrough sunday evening- rambling until aim cuts me off
04/11/2005 03:10 p.m.
The sky looked so amazing tonight- and I was thinking "hey that looks like a picture" then I realized that pictures are just stillframes of actual life, therefore it just looked like actual life... in motion. if that makes any sense. and walking around to the front door from my car, I saw the first lightning bug of the season and my breath fluttered with its light and I whispered "thank you Jesus"- which is the first sincere prayer I've had in a while. I'm excited about summer, because I can see my friends and pretend I never graduated high school and that I'm not faced with bigger decisions than I've ever had to make. And I love the new friends I'm making, but I wonder how long it will last. I want to move out- but I'm scared to offend my parents. And, on the way home from work tonight, I listened to one song over and over- about ten times- just singing loudly with windows down and a cold left hand
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