
The Journal of Cathlyn Cartier

Post Christmas Activities
12/29/2007 03:01 a.m.
Less than a week left of the Christmas Break, and then it's back to the classroom; and things have been crazy!

My financial aid for school came in! YeeHaw, I'm back on track for getting my Master's... I'll be doing all of the work online, which works out GREAT for me, being nearly 6 months pregnant, I don't have to worry about waddling into classes, and sitting uncomfortably, or having my water break during class (I'm due in April, so that's a possibility)... I can do it all at home, any time of the day or night.

I have been so pleased with the way this University has been handling things; they have been WONDERFUL! Even if my loans hadn't come in, they give you until the 30th day of class to pay your tuition, and the tution is SO much less than when I was going to my alma mater... and one call to the financial aid office confirmed my financial aid, and I had money transferred to my bookstore account, ordered my books, and they'll be here tomorrow! HOT DANG!!!

Then I've had some kind of upper respiratory/sinus crap thing going on, and it's gotten much worse the last day or two. I can't sleep at night. I can breathe, and I can't breathe when I get up in the morning either... A hot shower breaks it up some, but.... and I'm so limited with what I can take; benadryl and tylenol aren't doing the trick. I'm starting to get chills, sore throat, aches and run a low grade fever to go along with the nasty crap coming out of my sinuses. So now I've broke out the Vick's vapor rub, the vaporizor, etc., etc.... hopefully it'll be cleared up before I go see my OB next week.

The day after Christmas my grandfather passed away. he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer over the summer. He wasn't a candidate for chemo, because his kidneys had been damaged by diabetes, and he chose not to have radiation therapy... he lasted several months longer than they thought he would. I can't even put into words how I feel about this... I'm glad he isn' suffering any more, and I know he was ready, my grandmother passed away about 4 years ago, two of his sister's have died from cancer in the last two years too... it just SO SUCKS, because this is now 10 family members that my boys and I have lost in the last 4 years.

I am currently Depressed

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by Mara Meade on 12/29/07 at 09:18 PM

Oh Cathlynn, I'm so sorry for all those you've lost; I'm keeping you and your family in my meditations. On the other hand, I'm glad that the schooling issues are falling into place. Seems like its one etreme or another for you... hold on, Girl! It may be next fall, but we've got a bottle of wine to share...

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