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The Journal of Angela Stevens

Memory Box.
03/08/2013 10:04 p.m.
One thing I realise is that I need more friends, I need to open myself up. I want friends; even if we just e-mail.

Hey, if anybody feels like venting or sharing or anything in between then my e-mail is: cuddlygoblin@gmail.com

I have so many little pieces kept in a box. My Birth book, i.e. announcements in the local paper and 'congratulations!' cards. I do not recognise 90% of the people who said congratulations I was born.

My totally 80's 1st Birthday card: 'To Darling Angela from Nanny and Bampie xxx.' BAMPIE!! There is a man I remember, so gentle and with such a sense of humour. 'Nanny' I honestly don't really remember.

My box has my Bampie's Army Card for WW2, apparently he was only 5'5! Colour of eyes: grey, colour of hair: brown. (I would have towered over him at 5'9.5"!)

I love the telegram I have from 3 December 1945: 'Arrived Southampton Expect home soon, Les.'

I think I look quite similar to my Bampie (grandfather on my Mother's side). I am just looking at a photo of him and my great 'crazy' Uncle Charlie..Uncle Charlie seriously looks like Crispin Glover but with big ears.

Some of the photos are making me laugh; the great white german shepard dog we had called Gandalf, he was wonderful.

Basically having a decent time on memories right now. xxx.

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by George Hoerner on 03/09/13 at 12:50 AM

Hey lady, I may be 3000 miles away but if you need someone to talk to and don't mind a man's ideas I'm here. My email address is gjhoerner@gmail.com. I did spend 3 years in England but it was quite some time ago. I loved it. Take care. If not I understand and won't be upsset. I have been lonely myself many times so I know what that can be like.

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