
The Journal of Rhyana Fisher

introspection, ugh
10/19/2011 04:21 a.m.
ah, melodrama
you hurt and sting
probably why i've never been a fan

all the same
there's not much else to call it
when i keep dwelling on
how much nicer it would be
if only i had kitty claws
to dig and rend across
thinning stomach flesh
in order to tie silly bows
with my own intestines

logic may say nobody deserves that
and i can't really think of a real reason i should
but logic doesn't really matter
when it feels like i do

yes melodrama
you really do suck

while i'm complaining
please realize i'm rather tired
of those invisible walls
(don't give me that look, i know better)
you've been bricking me in with
those really are NOT nice mental pix
they make it rather difficult
to make friends who ask
'whatcha thinkin?'

waving hands beyond nose
gets frustrating fast
just to make sure you
aren't lurking
waiting for me to bash my skull open
on your annoying booby traps

people give odd looks
and although there is novelty
in being a mime
it has long worn off and
i'm horribly tired of
not being heard through
those damning bricks
'help, i'm stuck'
should not be translated as
'ack! crazy lady! run!'

then again when put that way
it's not exactly normal either.
likely they should run at that

in short, if you'd be so kind as to let me be
i'd be more than happy to avoid you in the future
melodrama, dear

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