The Journal of Rhyana Fisher hrm
06/02/2011 06:25 p.m.
after several years, it surprises me to actually like some of my stuff.
yes, i did a few touch ups. all the same, there are a few pieces that i consider decent.
not enough, it's still mostly wincing. the melodrama in some is pure pain to re-read. but enough time has allowed me to put my finger on a solution to a few glaring irritants in several.
most of the time i know where the glaring flaws are, but being too close can make it difficult to figure out how to improve it. like with ghostwood.
'i see a place within my head' sucked as an intro line. knew that when i penned it but that particular one is somat lyrical and i couldn't cram what wanted for saying in one line without killing the lyricism in the rest. then there was the clear blue cliche in the first stanza that wanted for beating. much much much improved now.
good is a subjective term. i won't even say it's good. it is, however, much better than it was. which, being one of the ones i like better, is good. i can wince less if i decide to point it out as an example of my better work. still much to be done on the rest tho.
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