The Journal of Andrea Colton Swallowing bulimia Entry #2
02/09/2011 05:06 a.m.
Ate. Purged. Ate again.
Food consumed = Me trying to unfuck myself.
I caught myself staring into the TV today. Yeah, not AT it but INTO it. I've been doing that a lot lately. Staring into things. The ceiling, the wall, the floor...thin air...
I feel like a fat.
My head hurts really bad. I'm having trouble focusing my eyes enough to even write this. I can feel my pulse in my stomach.
I heard a quote from Dr. Drew tonight. "Alcoholism is not defined by amount consumed or frequency of use, but by the consequences it brings about."
I guess I'm an alcoholic now. Aint that a bitch...
I let it slip out
the secrets inside.
They poured from my core
turned muscle into lies.
My body pleaded with me
-no more stains on her porcelain pride-
My bones took advantage
of the nerves in my eyes
so off go the lights
watch me die.
Bla. Word vomit. Not trying to be poetic, just trying to get these fucking thoughts out of my head.
Brain, brain, go away
Come again when I'm ready to play
Leave me silent, still and dumb,
flip the switch and leave me numb
Head. H.U.R.T.S
Stupid whore of a skull...
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