The Journal of Madeline Lamb Travels to Toyland
07/26/2010 07:23 a.m.
This weekend:
I roadtripped to Austin, to an apartment where I am constantly reassured that I'm loved. It's wonderful there. We went to a toy store, and a clothing store and wandered around the drag and south austin. In summary:
checkered cake, cherry rum & ice cream out of teacups. A pretty redhead’s backseat that fit 6 people. Too much milkshake! Neverending art, everflowing vodka. Making bracelets, making merry. I got tired of being dry and walked into a pool with all of my clothes on, and didn’t get out until the word “cops” was thrown around. JET turned 26, and told me I was perfect. JTR shrieked at a blind man.
Andy drove all the way from Arkansas with Ivy just to fall asleep on the floor. He was nice and gave ariel and sophia his last two cigarettes. James told us a bedtime ghost story about a murderer falsely accused of tax fraud. I slept on a bare mattress with 3 other people, and the christmas lights stayed on all night. Then, thrift stores and cute cashiers and 99 cent necklaces. A long ride home, a long night up painting and reading and discussing all manners of things with my friends.
Today I watched movies at Conner's house and found out that my ex got out of a hurtful relationship. I'm happy for him.
This form of life needs ____________. I am currently Blessed
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