giggling at a memory maker 05/31/2010 05:46 p.m.
We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails... from a 3 a.m. forum...
obviously I am a sail some angels must adjust...
Love this picture of Jarrod definitely got his bushy eyebrows
from his mama! lol...
For this Memorial's day...
ran down to the gas station and there was this guy
playing the bagpipes outside, Amazing Grace, no less
when I stepped out the car he was about done with it
looked at me, and I told him not to stop now!
whereupon he was breathing real hard as his excuse for stopping
(when I came back outside)
giving Scottish history lessons to a lady who'd obviously been
listening outside the store for a while...
Just a weirdo schmeirdo Scotsman's commercial in my day.
LOVE Katy's reply to my link...
YOU so gangsta, I'm so thug... - I surely relate to this one!
Missin ya'll soooo much
But at least I know from their daddy they're missin me too...
what a day, what a day! Okee dokee, daddy...
Finally got that picture of Lyle the Crocodile...
AKA AL as per the White chilluns, Boo Boo & Irene
Happy Burpday, Jonny Rotten!!! Happy Burpday to you.....
Talked to Angie tonight, first time in YEARS!! Said when she saw mama's number
on the caller id it freaked her out, thought somebody had died
She's just as funny as she's always been...
AND had a spiritual awakening that's obvious and obviously for real...
It was so awesome getting to laugh over old times
one particular memory I was glad was lost to the seizures!
oh my, she still makes me laugh til I nearly lose my breath
It is so wonderful to reconnect to somebody you've known all
your life and get filled with rejoicing to realize it's forever!
Forever we will laugh at all these old memories while we're making
new unimaginable ones... It's just more than I can grasp most of the time
Kevin's got a 6 month old, comparing notes found a couple of really
weird/cool/strange coincidences...
so good so good so good! God has been soooo good to me!
Father in Heaven, I just want to thank you for this day, thank you
for this nation, especially thank you for those who serve you with arms
to protect and defend us. You know, I just don't care how many use their
tongues to deride our blessed nation, living within the freedom to use
their speech in a derogatory way. I will use my voice to give you thanks
and praise you for our freedoms. I do thank you. I thank you for those
with courage and determination that fight to the death or disability
to protect even those bitter souls who find only evil in the good you've
blessed us with. Please never let me forget your goodness to us. Please
never let my children forget. Please let our rejoicing and praise to you
raise higher and higher and join with the angels praise. Above all, I want
to express my gratitude that you enjoy my joy, someone as unworthy as me
in all ways, yet invited in to worship one so pure and holy... it leaves me
nearly speechless and only able to whisper...
In Jesus name, I'm thrilled to pray,
Amen I am currently Affectionate
I am listening to Addicted to Love - Robert Palmer