The Journal of A. Paige White

Three little piggys....?
05/26/2010 12:00 a.m.

Three little pigs?
Some children won't grow up
Whose voice do we heed?..?

Will we spend more time in finger pointing
toward each other, than time in prayer for
those affected, & even those whose decisions have
caused this, that they would be touched by
their neighbor's plight and potential loss
of E V E R Y T H I N G they hold dear
especially, especially, especially.....
hurricane season is only 6 days away?
How far ashore might this catastrophe be blown?

I know, I know you stand as a refiner
and never look away from your work
Holy Lord, for even a moment, until
you see your reflection as you pass the
silver through the flames where it is
hottest. I thank you
for that assurance, that you know what
you are doing. Please call us
to prayer for all involved without
the blind arrogance of believing we
are above bad decisions that affect
our neighbors to some degree...
please forgive us our prayerlessness
please grace us with the faith of
God... to help. Please... Father...
Make us to be good Samaritans who
truly care and love our neighbor as
ourselves. Please.... Father....
Open our blinded eyes to draw near
to you. We need you. We need you.
We need your mercy. Please help us
Please call us to effectual fervent
prayer. Please forgive me my prayerlessness
Please forgive my children. Please forgive
us. Show us the repentance that will
truly please your Father's heart.
Hallowed be Thy name in the person of
your son,
In Jesus name, Amen
crab manor with a banner

Crab Manor

Crab Manor view

crab manor view 2

Crab Manor manners

crab manor seashell Chip found

crab manor seashell closeup

crabby scuttlebutt

crabby scuttlebutt with a view

crab manor seashore

crab manor seashore

crab manor

crab manor 5

crab manor seashells by the seashore...
I am currently Loved

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