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The Journal of Christopher J Davidson

Albums up on iTunes
08/12/2009 02:23 a.m.
Some of you may know, and some of you may not know, but in addition to writing bad poetry, I write pretty decent music. Over the last few years I've been mainly writing Ambient/Electronic music and releasing it for public consumption. For the most part, I have received positive reviews of it.
In addition to the Ambient/Electronic music, I also do sort of an Alt-Folk kind of thing.

The electronic releases tend to come quicker because it's a lot easier to edit and master electronic music than it is to do the same with 'organic' music.

As of right now, I have three electronic/ambient albums available for purchase on iTunes. Each album is $9.99, the typical iTunes price for an album.
If you're interested in that go to http://itunes.com/adronus

Just this month on the 7th, I released a 6 song EP of my "Alt-Folk" music, and that album is going for $5.94.
If you're interested in that style of music go to http://itunes.com/sonudra

I would love to get some ratings and reviews of the music, as well as some album sales. I write, produce, record, and release everything on my own, and I get all of the profits from album sales, so if you find it in your little poet's heart to support Independent artists, then go to the style of music of your choice, buy and album, rate it, and leave a review on iTunes telling me (and the world) what you think.

Much love,


I am currently Anxious
I am listening to Chapter II - Nightrealm

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