The Journal of Trisha De Gracia This makes me livid.
06/27/2008 07:05 a.m.
When I was there the night before with the 19 year old with bright eyes and clean clothes, the hospial ticked like clockwork. "Sexual assault? Ok, we'll get a nurse to you right away." And they did, and thank god for that. But show up with a frail old woman with broken fucking ribs and the clothes she was raped in, dingy and homeless and looking like an addict, and it takes 2 hours for a goddamn nurse to take a fucking look at her? What the fuck is WRONG with people? What the fuck does it matter if she's off the street? Or a drug user for that matter? Is it ok to take advantage of people who's lives have turned out different from our own? Would they have let the sweet 19 wheeze through broken ribs and a torn up face without so much as a goddamn advil? This woman walked across the fucking town with broken ribs and the whole 9 yards just to get to a shelter where the people recognized her and would call for help. Just to find a place where someone would help. And this is AFTER the hospital was through with her. They didn't even call the police to drive her down to the shelter. What the fuck kind of society am I living in? Christ.
I am currently Violent
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