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faith vs freecell --winning
03/16/2008 01:12 p.m.
So, what do you (as in YOU) say to someone who is puny in faith? Maybe someone who complains, or just expresses a sense of non-connection with God.

Here's a mistake I've made and I resented it when people did this to me (another mistake) --the solution to your problem is to pray, read the Bible and go to church (or fellowship with believers). Well, that is true and not helpful at the same time --the perfect platitude; making the "counselee" feel worse and the "counselor" feel smug at the same time.

Why is it not helpful? I can only really speak with authority about myself --but since I'm arrogant enough to believe that everyone else's reactions (if they are the RIGHT reactions) are exactly like mine --I'll pontificate.

If the root problem were a lack of knowledge, the above wonderful answer would be a, well, wonderful answer. I think the problem is either one of faith or belief. If it is a faith issue, that comes down to belief too. Either I don't know what I'm talking about or I'm on to something, hmmm, I'm trying to figure out which is it.

If I'm having a problem praying, then telling me the answer is to pray is not going to work for me. If I'm not having a problem praying --that is feeling connected with God through prayer -- then I'm not having a problem --because --duh -- I'd just pray through it without your help. I wouldn't be talking to you about it, I'd be talking to God --AND getting the answer.

So, how do I want to be served when I have a belief issue? First, I want to be listened to and not given short, unworkable (to me) answers or advice. Then I'd like a little empathy please. My feelings may not be "legit" but, damnit, they are real to me. Sometimes, even often, that right there does the trick. Sometimes, that's all I need to feel you are the counseling savant. Careers have been based on this.

This post is starting to run long (for me). But I do want to share some really powerful (really!) methods for ministry to me (cause I'm the only one that matters anyway) when I'm having a crisis or faith or belief.

So maybe later today, or tomorrow, or next month. Come back for the sequel

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