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The Journal of Phil Walling

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07/31/2006 12:40 a.m.


Back in high school, I had a crush on my father's friend's daughter. One time, we all went vacationing to Quebec to go skiing. S and I were lying down in the back of Dad's station wagon under the sleeping bag covers. I said to S. 'Hey, I've got a funny thumb - want to feel it?' She said 'sure'. My thumb is double jointed. She felt it and said 'that is interesting'. I said, 'hold up, let me move a bit and you can feel it some more..' I shifted and she reached out to feel it and I lowered my hand down to my waist and *gasp* pulled it out. (Not my thumb). I said 'now feel it...' She did and said 'that does feel funny' and as I started to touch her stomach, my sister who was in the seat in front of us asked us 'What are you two doing?' Embarrassed we stopped feeling each other's appendages and talked of other things...

Fast forward about thirty years and I get this call. It's S.! She asked if she could come over, I said 'sure'... After a bit of chit chat, she reminded me of my funny thumb. I'd forgotten to be honest, but she said she had a crush on me for years. Needless to say, a 'circle' was completed that night...

She went back home (which is about three thousand miles away) and we still keep in touch.


#1 I email my sister to offer my best wishes on her birthday and apologize that I wasn't able to send her a present in time but one is in the mail. She emails me back with pics of her newborns - bloody twins! No one down here knew she was preggers, but sure enough she had twins and at her age too! She's 46.

#2 I am browsing the magazine rack of all the trash rags (supermaket tabloids) when I notice that my ex wife is on the cover of one of the local ones. I pick it up and there is a photo collage of a wedding (done photo shop style). Apparently she's getting married again and I have to read about it in a gossip trash mag?! Not only that but it leads me to surprise #3

#3 I'm in it too! Apparently, the article decided to do a bio of the ex, and I was given almost two paragraphs. Holy mackerel, Batman! I am referred to as a 'self proclaimed radio criminal - who's music is scary'. I'm paraphrasing...


I'm in semi retirement mode these days. My daughter is going to Mauritius for a month and I'm trying to decide if I should spend $100 for a standing up ticket or $350 for a special reserve ticket to see the Rolling Stones in September.

Life is rough....


I am currently Bemused
I am listening to Robert Fripp

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