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02/01/2006 04:41 p.m.
Dear Readers

thanks for hanging in there.

It is coming up to the one year anniversary of Mouli's death and the sorrow is still there. Mostly I am numb from it all and haven't felt much like posting. It's perculiar that the death of a dog would be such a life changing experience but I've been hanging in there and trying to simply move on.

The new dog, Abitha Krispie or Abitha Pipsqueak, I haven't settled yet on her full name, brings both joy and diversion as well as frustration. She is a little clown with not a single aggressive bone in her body. She's also a bolter who believes the world is her oyster and wants to explore and live every day to the fullest. She'd also sell her soul for cheeseburger.

We have been going to 'dog church' twice a day (weather pending). This is where all the dogs congregate and swap tails (I mean tales), through their own methods of communication. We have Grace, the sheppherd, Chinook, a giant husky, Amber a white poodle, Diesal a perky terrier, two Burmese Mountain dogs, Hannah and Hector, Oreo, a collie, Nemo (a ????), who protected Abbie when she first showed up and a bunch of other dogs.

Dog Church is a congregation of dogs near where I live which gathers in old fort, so the walls border the property and they are contained.

The first time she joined the congregation, she rolled on her back and peed herself while all the other dogs gathered around her in a circle as though they were saying; "Hey come and check out the silly labbie pissing herself".

Normally, the parents (re owners), would bring toys and such that the dogs would all share and frolic with. However, Abbie's toys seem to attract the most attention. I bought her a squeaker and a giggle ball. She loves to be chased. Since Abbie was born in the village, her brothers sometimes make it out to Dog Church. Jib already has arthrities and a droopy eye. He's the sweeter of the two and is very doting, but I don't think he'll live that long. Max Henry, the other brother, is very much like Abbie but is even more of a bolter than Abbie.

I had a dream about 'Dog Church' a while back. I dreamt that all the dogs had the same name. The name "Cookie'. Reason: the owners frustrated that the dogs wouldn't come to them, tempt them with treats - hence they all respond to 'cookie'.


Something odd happened to me about two weeks ago:
My father phoned me up to say that he heard that my step father had died. Needless to say I was shattered. My brother a few minutes later phoned me to offer the same news and if I needed help to go to England for the funeral, he would help me. Then my Mom phoned up a few hours later to say that they had just got back from Paris and they had a wonderful time. I asked how David (my step father) was doing. She said fine, why, did someone have a dream about him/ I said that "maybe", and asked if I could talk to him. I did and for a moment, it felt like I was talking to the dead. I told him about my morning and we decided that the rumours of his death were greatly exaggerated. A few hours later, my Mom had phoned again to say that they had been fielding calls from all over the world offering condolences. Funny eh?


I've decided to play more live shows.
Someone had me googled on eBay for years looking for new material. Finally he emailed a local radio station to enquire. They sent me a copy and I sent him a CD and a 45, no charge.
I did an all ages show a month ago, sandwiched between two metal bands. It was unbelievably successful and a great way to start off the New Year! Girls were screaming (and in a good way) and I got an encore. I was totally surprised and I felt like a Beatle for a moment.


I 've also got a stalker. Some girl who I spurned is trying to embarras me on the net and in our community. I guess you got to take the good with the bad.


That's all for now!

I love you all....


I am currently Blessed

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