
The Journal of Laura Doom

phenomenillogical stuff
01/17/2006 11:26 p.m.
Crespuscular scene reminiscent of Hopper(?), though he represented the 'unknown'/untamed nature as being dark & foreboding, and the known (civilisation) as familiar, mundane, almost banal - uncomfortable neighbours. Here & now, the familiar semisuburban landfill is nebulous & anonymous, whereas the unknown, the infinite is light - seductive. I would like to die in a sunset, burn up in a cataclysmic flash of cathartic beauty - a magnificent moment of meaninglessness, which reminds me...

at lost fragments of a day resigning
shapeless shattered pieces falling
jagged edges gleaming
as sunset bleeds its truths and harsh realities
furious and flagrant
as unevening sky pales - recoils in pain
and burns immense and insignificant

light dripping down pallid cheeks
transient, impotent, ephemeral

for you to breathe life into another day

I am currently listening to: The Strokes - Juice Box - The Storm, in association with imminent expiration

My current mood can best be described as: lemoncholic

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by Rula Shin on 01/18/06 at 05:27 AM

What a stunning piece of poetry that seems to bleed from the fire-fed tendrils of longing...beautiful.

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