
The Journal of Emily G Myers

Aiko Scott
01/04/2006 08:32 p.m.
that is one name I NEVER thought I'd see on the terminated list.

I haven't been here much myself, but what IS pathetic these days? who ARE you people?

not that I knew who anyone was 'back then' really. there are just names I know that symbolize and represent pathetic. Aiko Scott is one of them.


just weird.
I am currently Tired
I am listening to Law & Order on the TV

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by Karen Michelle on 01/04/06 at 11:07 PM

I know. I noticed that my comments count had dropped considerably so I figured some people who had left me notes had been terminated and went to check it out. However, I couldn't believe my eyes when it said AIKO SCOTT. She was wonderful. I miss her words.

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