The Journal of Nikki Benson Should I stay or should I go now??? If I go there could be troub
12/23/2005 05:43 p.m.
(Sobject continued) le� If I leave there could be double!!! So you�ve got to let me know� should I stay or should I go?
There is a boy that likes me and I like his roommate. Should I use the boy that likes me to get closer to his roommate? Should I give Boy a chance? Boy is very shy. Roommate is very outgoing and sarcastic� If I deliberately go after either I would be ruining my chances with the other� I guess I�ll just wait and let them do the work� Like a lady. BULLSHIT! I�m impatient� Should I stay or should I go now??? If I go there could be trouble� if I leave there could be DOUBLE!!! So you�ve got to let me know� should I stay or should I go??? I am currently Indifferent
I am listening to The Faint
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