The Journal of Madeline Pestolesi Now do you realize your mistakes, America?
10/14/2005 01:07 a.m.
I probably haven't receive a comment in over 4 months. But that's ok. Bush's approval rating is the lowest it's ever been, only 39%. Way to go America, nice work voting him back in. or, legally electing him for the first time. Harriet Miers???!!! Harriet NEVER BEEN A JUDGE Meirs on the SUPREME COURT? Where she will be a judge for the REST OF HER LIFE? Is he fucking joking? Who is this guy? I swear to God, Bush must have balls the size of Texas to pull the shit he's been pulling.
On the bright side, I got a new job at a coffee cart. It's sweet. Business has been picking up. I made about 45 bucks in tips today. That's pretty good, consideing I only used to make about 20 at the other cart. The girl after me was late. I wouldn't have cared, but I was there for almost 9 hours. Nine hours in a coffe box is a little intense. Needless to say, I was pissed. But at least I got some sweet cash.
Also, dividend checks came out yesterday. I LOVE this state. $845 dollars just for living here and paying taxes. Actually, I highly doubt that all the people who get the dividend pay taxes. I've been writing a lot. propbably more than when I worked at the Press, just because I have a lot of assignments. But thank god for my creative writing nonfiction class. It is so awesome to have a class where I can write things that I want to write and the way I want to write them, not how a newspaper wants me to. Or writing shitty calendar boxes about Tanya Tucker. I hate country music. I think a lot of people say this, but I want to be David Sedaris.
Maybe not with his voice though.
Jam Master C I am currently Blessed
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