The Journal of Madeline Pestolesi Word
07/17/2005 08:05 p.m.
Yesterday at my sister's wedding and reception, I realized something about families: all families are embarrassing, thus I can't let my family humiliate me, because everyone else's family does it too.
But really, what an insane group of people. Women who get "butt pains" when they're grossed out by something? I didn't realize how crazy it was, until I said it out loud one day to Shane, and he said "Wait, hang on. 'Butt Pains?' I don't think so." But it's true, I get a really weird feeling in my butt when something grosses me out and it runs down my legs. It happens to my aunt and cousins too.
Maybe I'm just one of the crazy ones.
P.S. 300 pages into the new Harry Potter. yeah, I bought it that day it came out and I'm 23, so what? Ya know, to be honest, I'm not as impressed with Rowling's writing style in this one as I have been in the others. I've had to pause over several sentences to try and figure it out. And I've found a couple of typos. Or maybe it's just that I wasn't a copy editor when I read her last few books.
I am currently bodacious I am listening to RJD2
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