The Journal of Madeline Pestolesi Bling at last!
07/01/2005 02:15 a.m.
Tomorrow I will receive my first paycheck in 7 months. It won't be big, but it will be money. It will mean I can buy groceries, pay rent, and MAYBE - wait for it - buy a new tire for my car so I don't have to refill the back right one every freaking day. Then, with no money left over, I can go to the Forest Fair in Girdwood and not buy anything. I hate money because I need it. And I love material things. Actually, mostly just shoes. God, I love shoes. I think it's almost an unnatural obsession.
And, for the first time, I get to do Blotter at work. It's not a caledar box! Wohoo! I was starting to just get a little tired of the Cal boxes. At least the ones I'm doing this week are cool. Comedian, Musician, musician. I really enjoy calling up PR people and saying "I'm a reporter with the Anchorage Press, and I want to talk to your fancy musician." Then they give me the fancy musician's phone number and I talk to them, it's awesome. But when I have to interview tourists for Tourist of the Week, it's really tough. Tourists aren't nearly as nice (usually) as the locals, and I'm not used to it. Old people are really suspicious of me when I stop them on the street, tell them I'm a reporter, and ask if I can talk to them. Or they get all pissy when I ask for their name. I'm not asking for their social security number, for fuck's sake, but they look at me like I'm mugging them. I always smile and say Sir and Ma'm too, so it's not like I'm rude. Man, Outsiders are so suspicious.
I am currently sweeeeeeet I am listening to RJD2
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