
The Journal of Nikki Benson

Don't give up
05/25/2005 12:33 a.m.

Today has been awful� It actually started out last night when I talked to my mother and she told me how she was in a meeting with my father and sister and how my Dad completely made a liar out of himself. He completely shamed the family and himself and it is really sad that I care anything about him and how much the fear of his disapproving eyes can tear me apart.


Actually I guess it started about an hour before that when I told, possibly the sweetest boy I have ever met that I can�t talk to him anymore because we are different in ways that could not be overlooked. That has actually been weighing on me. Then the who thing with my family�.


Today has been a work day from HELL! My boss is riding my ass to Telemarket  to our mortgage clients who don�t want to talk to me or anyone trying to sell them checking accounts�


I skinned my finger today.


I have had two clients from hell forcing me to fix there problems because I happened to be the hapless schmuck who answered the phone� All I want to do is hang out with the sweet boy. Just relax and exist. Not likely.

I am currently Depressed
I am listening to Radiohead

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