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The Journal of Indigo Tempesta

05/19/2005 02:09 a.m.

i can't wait to see my family after the interminable three days to follow this interminable one. that is, if it were ever to end, which it won't, being interminable. but somehow time will bend in such a way that i do eventually reach the old home place in north carolina. and a summer of landscaping business startup with my diabetic redneck alcoholic stepfather, who i think might be the best stepfather in the world. but now, a sleepless [if i have my way] night of writing about divine sexual violence in the lyric poem from donne to yeats, and then a nap, and then early birthday lunch with my dear deb as she's got to leave before the day itself, and then an exam, and then just a few things to turn in without a concrete deadline as i pack up my earthly belongings [trashing half] while simultaneously getting falldown drunk for the remainder of my time here.

yes, i'm not concentrating on my work, thereby making it considerably worse for myself. okay, i think i have a legitimate neurological problem.

I am currently Restless
I am listening to tom waits, "circus"

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