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The Journal of Phil Walling

03/23/2005 02:55 p.m.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005

It's Mouli's one month anniversary death day, to the hour.

Miffin and I are starting to surface again.

We still have our moments but they are less frequent.

I expect to dream of Mouli tonight.*

Love your pets and treasure life.

*added later: It's 6:15 in the AM. and I was right. Mouli came to visit last night in my dreams. It was the first time since she passed over and maybe the last, but I hope not. We were hugging on the floor and I checked for lumps and she had none. For the moment I had forgotten she had passed. I said "Mouli give us a hug." She was already turning to leave the room, but came back and put her paws on my shoulder. I had already realized that this was a dream by then but I tried so hard to hold on to the moment. She left and I woke up.

Thanks Mouli, I love you so much and miss you awfully..


I am currently Melancholy
I am listening to my breathing

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