The Journal of Indigo Tempesta 'so is yr sex life'
03/07/2005 05:31 a.m.
that's what ryan said to me when i said something about something being a figment of his imagination. thus ensued an interesting half-joke about him masturbating while thinking of me. it's part of a string of interesting things that have come up with that one, including the effect of clean sheets on rates of masturbation. all this from my too-tame quasi-partner. yes? strange. positive, i think. he's getting strange, like me. i've already turned him somewhat more queer than he would have thought. that deserves a pat on the back, itself.
the tim miller piece, "us," was fantastic. fucking so. about being a person without all the rights of "a citizen" in this country. he's incredible. check him out, if you get a chance. you can google him, his webpage will come up.
the music is too loud. i'm going to turn it down and read the world according to garp for the 5th time, at least. tom waits is an amazing figure.
sex is so intriguing. I am currently Detached
I am listening to elliot smith, "waltz 2"
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