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The Journal of Indigo Tempesta

this is me, waking
02/06/2005 02:25 p.m.
this is me, waking up at 8 on sunday and going down to the coffee shop to have breakfast and read and maybe write a bit. this is me wearing fashion sweatpants given to me by the mother of the children i babysit, who wishes i were her daughter and she could dress me. this is me feeling awkward in these clothes, even though they are simply black swatches of fabric. this is me putting on a hat and traipsing downtown, hoping to meet people i love. this is me, heart speeding up because a young person with whom i had a very idealized fling left a phone number and a note on my door last night, after 6 months in thailand.
I am currently Reflective
I am listening to my radiator.

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