The Journal of Indigo Tempesta heart of saturday night
07/10/2004 08:39 p.m.
well i drank and smoked with dan-o/amanda/bernie/ross last night, met several new people discovered sudden crushes on two of them man-woman only to find that the two were in actuality a couple. am realizing lately that attractions are powerful but when i consider the implications of a relationship i.e. sexual contact physical exposure i am completely uninterested. fine state of things - i once liked such things, as i recall. but as the man said, �'est la vie. i suppose unattainable attractions are all the better, then. i just finished naked lunch by burroughs (after being fascinated by queer; thanks, bryn) and before that sherman alexie's the toughest indian in the world, and also the kite runner, an exceedingly upsetting and wonderful book by khaled hosseini. now it's to be broca's brain (sagan), the diving bell and the butterfly (bauby), and look homeward, angel (wolfe). books books. i am feeling odd as i took benadryl last night at three a.m. for some fantastically excruciating bug bites reminiscent of those i got in mexico (i have no idea what they are) without realizing that it was three a.m. and not a good time for benadryl - consequently i suffered ferocious dreams and slept til noon, at which point i woke up disoriented and sluggish. and still am, only 5 hours after waking. awful. but, i'm going for wolfe's book now (i'm in the library). i rather like my new poem; or rather, i really like the emotions behind it and feel i might have done a bit of justice to them through the words. the thing is called "alice" but needs a new title. i'm going. I am currently Dumbfounded
I am listening to library beeps
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