The Journal of Indigo Tempesta what a blizzard;
03/16/2004 02:54 p.m.
the snow is falling like it wants to take the earth in a moment of passion. i can't wait until i take a shower and then go play in the snow (in lieu of going to physics.) and i'll dry my hair, of course.
and now i know that everything's alright if we stay between the glow and the light jump
maitreya brought my breakfast upstairs to me this morning because i was still sleeping. i am looking out the window, entranced, listening to a live recording of the amazing show i was at three weeks ago in chapel hill. i had a dream about a friend of mine that was surprising and beautiful.
i wonder who i'll talk to today that will surprise me and make me smile. oh, i know, i'll make corky a copy of my fugs cd. i think he'll love that. i love corky, i do.
a part of my dream last night, we had a family-style dinner upstairs (don't ask me how there got to be a dining room-sized space upstairs in my house...) and there were those huge drink dispensers with the tabs you flip and hold to get the liquid, and one had tea just gushing out the top, so i filled my cup with that, and i was just sure it wasn't sweet tea; but i went over and sat at a table with my friends, and i was in a very good mood, and i sat down, and one of my friends was still completely cold and even hostile to me (as in life) and it just shattered my spirit almost entirely. i moved to a different table. it had been such a good dream up to that point. i'm going to take a shower, copy my cd for cork, and then play my guitar with my new toy. i am a little lonely, but still hopeful. the snow is waiting. I am currently Cheerful
I am listening to jump - live at cat's cradle
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