The Journal of Indigo Tempesta grace
03/14/2004 06:16 p.m.
this, grace, jeff buckley, is - you must understand that i don't often say this of anything - one of the greatest of all time. perfection and completion of music and performance.
i am no longer dying. although i remain half-convinced that there is a neurological problem behind my worsening headaches and weakness. i may schedule an mri next time i go home. in 6 months. we'll see. maybe allen medical center can do it? no. never mind. i've heard stories.
and a good morning, full of smiling good people i love. did part of a puzzle with colin. i love puzzles with him. i think he's no longer quite wary of me since puzzles and case. case...
one day he'll be back. will i? it's lonelier without him; yet i'm safe, in his existence somewhere, that he knows what i know.
what a morning. going to oberlin music with corky in a bit. i miss ryan. this album makes me so happy, makes me remember so many people i love; moments of beauty. oh.
I am currently Passionate
I am listening to grace - jeff buckley
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