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The Journal of Leandra K Brossard

New Things..
01/26/2004 07:07 a.m.
I'm not really much of a journal person, as you can probably tell.. Considering I've only got 4 previous entries and I've been a member since October 1999...

Anyway, I've been writing some pieces about a fantasy world I have created.. I have been very encouraged by the response I have gptten on the work that I keep in my Lutar; Land of Times to Come folder.. I am trying for an interesting balance of introducing the details of my fantasy landscape and the world of people and places it hosts, while not disrupting the flow of the pieces that describe it or beating people over the head with what are really the inconsequential details surrounding the stories... Yes, I would love for readers to be able to get an accurate view of the world, but I don't want to write poorly and make blatancy the name of the game..

So I shall continue to write, hopefully portraying what I would love for others to be able to see, and at the same time creating poetry that people will enjoy reading and find meaning in..

Thank you to all,
Take care..

Leandra ;)
I am currently Calm
I am listening to The bubbling tea kettle..

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by Dana E Brossard on 01/26/04 at 07:20 AM

**warm smile** I look forward to reading more of your magical land of Lutar =)

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