The Journal of Emily Sullivan a new year
01/26/2004 02:02 a.m.
so i am back in school. i have one semster left. all i have to do is pass the board exams. i cannot wait to start working again, and actually have money again. i am so sick of being poor!!
this semester seems like it will be the easiest. of course i say that now, one week into it. but last semester was awful!! and i got through it so this one cannot be any worse.
i talked to my friend lauren today. she lost her father about a month ago. he ended his own life, something that nobody expected from him. but who ever expects suicide anyways. it was nice to talk to her though. i miss her a lot. we kind of grew a part from each other in the past year. it's kind of sick that a tragedy like that makes you realize how important your friends really are. but at the same time i am glad it opened my eyes in that sense. so i bought her a cute card to send, i need to do more stuff like that. now is a good time to start i guess.
well, enough of my life. for now anyways. I am currently Quiet
I am listening to a rush of blood to the head - coldplay
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