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The Journal of Carl Walker

what does love mean
12/10/2003 03:35 p.m.

thank you for your friendship, I wish time and distance would allow us to linger over strong coffee and laughter today

I'm sorta bummed today, God is showing me some things and asking me some questions.

My wife visits the ladies at the jail and prison, and she labors with a house for women getting out of jail and off drugs.  She doesn't expect much from these ladies, just that they reward her time by showing a hope of fruit.  When the hope of fruit in their lives is gone, so is Patricia.  Just a few will, after much labor, stand.

So if she labors with a woman, hoping for fruit, and the woman has a relapse or becomes willfully in sin then P doesn't get mad and usually not very sad; she turns to the next one.  and if that one that relapsed turns up again and again seems to exidence a possibility of fruit, Patricia will do anything she can for them to get this message.

so she doesn't expect much, they don't feed her ego or give her money, or much appreciation.  But when there is fruit, it is GLORIOUS.  and for that she labors.

I need to get to the same place about the church and my wife.  I think God is challenging me today about my commitment to Clemson Vineyard, (the church I attend but am not a member).  Can I serve CV and not expect anything but a place to search for and labor for a hope of fruit (of course the answer is an emphatic no; but if I yeild to God and allow Him to form in me a capacity to labor without any hope but a hope for fruit in others lives; then I can serve better, with more faith.  It is a process that transforms me into a bondservant and is a precussor for me, through faith, to still the storm and multiply the loves and fishes). 

And the same is true of my service tomy wife, to love my wife as Christ loved the church, not expecting anything but an opportunity to serve.  and when I die to my idols of self, and serve out of that death, and when I see the fruit that sacrifice bears in Patricia, the reward is GLORIOUS.

I'm seeking some roof repair today, if you feel like it you might pray that God will prosper my efforts.

God bless you

I am currently Better
I am listening to silence

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