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The Journal of Leandra K Brossard

Change and Organization... I hope!
03/04/2003 09:33 p.m.
I finally sat down and looked at my poetry library and discovered not even I could find what I wanted, and I wrote and named it all... so I decided it was time for some organiation... those of you who've read through a fair chunk of my poetry will note that it's not the most orderly collection in existence, so I've kept with fairly open themes for the new folders. I kept the poetry I like the best out in the "Library" and the rest I've portioned out among the new folders designated as such: As the Bard wills, Dabblings, Love & About, Pensive, and Short. I also chagned all my icons to something less staid and the same as everyon else's... Please, comment on the organization.. there's still a lot of crossover as mayof the poems could fit in multiple places, but I've tried to put them where they seemed to make the most sense.. If you find a poem that just screams that it should be somewhere else, please tell me.. ;) I had a bit of a job just trying to fit them all into designations anyway... :) Thanks everyone, Enjoy!
I am currently Proud
I am listening to Sunshine play over the carpet...

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