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The Journal of Dana E Brossard

01/16/2003 08:01 a.m.
Soon, I shall be sent overseas as part of the build-up for the possible invasion of Iraq. I look forward to the trip, for I will get to see new places and experience first hand the middle-east. Normally, I would not mind at all, it will only be for 90 days, but if war breaks out, it will be for much longer. At one point in my life I would have looked forward to such an event, as I hate to say it, but the pay is much better(no taxes). But I am to be married soon, and look forward to that with great anticipation. If war does break out, I will not even be able to attend my own wedding, for it is to take place shortly after I return from the 90 days. Alas, but then again, if it were not for conflict in the world, I would not even have a job. **sighs** Wish me luck and my prayers go out to all who must be seperated from their family and loved ones becuase of the nasty business of war.
I am currently Unsure
I am listening to The hum of heavy equipment.

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