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The Journal of Leandra K Brossard

Life and Change
01/06/2003 11:11 p.m.
It has been some time since my las journal entry... I am unused to keeping one.. I have something new on my mind of late though... You see, I'm getting married.. so life is to take a new twist. I am overjoyed and enthusiastic in what I see as a grand new adventure, as I'm sure all young folks do when they first contemplate the idea of pledging one's self to another... However I did not expect to marry into the military, and while I have not real reservations about being affiliated with the service, my fiancee is being sent overseas for a 90 day tour in the Middle East. Only that 90 day stint will become an indefinite 90+ days if we go to war with Iraq while he's over there... as we are to be married soon after he is to return, I am worried that things might not work out on the schedule I had planned. And while I am not so naive as to think the world runs on my schedule, it would be nice to be able to plan a wedding for a definite time frame.. *sighs* Unfortunately, with the talk I hear on the news of late, my time frame and Bush's seem to overlap somewhat... So the only other hope I have of things not totally being disrupted, is that it wil be a short war, or that they'll still rotate out personell... but I don't know if that's even reasonable to hope for.. I've never worried much about military protocol before.. Maybe if I send President Bush an email he'll put off the war until after my wedding.. You think? *grins* Anything can happen, right?
I am currently Melancholy
I am listening to The hum of hardware and the flip flap of pages turning

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