The Journal of David Maurice Not to Self
04/03/2015 09:30 a.m.
And I've got a time to back
It will never deep the moans
and will ever reap the sown
Tell me hippocratic lives
tell on another riven line
I can't stop thinking
there was a century
I'd love more than this
if I could only
find my way out
Now that we've come to this forest
I can't use an axe
I'll free-run like you free dive
breath held as I whip through the slash
and the vines underfoot
till I lilac into a gasp
rose into another
There is no point except what you sharpen
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1. The Beginnings.
11/06/2012 12:22 a.m.
Can you regulate failure? Can you see yourself in reality, because let's face it, none of us really reach the goals we set when we were young. In our deepest we can't accept that. I think that's why we are writers.
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