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The Journal of John Harder

I will find a centre in you.
08/11/2014 07:27 a.m.
This evening I spent several hours editing and proofreading my poems. When I first started posting my work here, I thought it was a good idea to use poor punctuation, and rarely capitalize words. I was 15 and thought I was making a statement, but it is lost on me now. Who knows why 15 year old kids do anything? Anyway, I ended up tweaking a lot of my old stuff in the process, and came across some misspells along the way. I routinely read my own work, to get a feel of who I used to be, yet these mistakes had gone unnoticed for many years. I think I read them without really looking. I've come to realize that anyone reading something I wrote all those years ago might come to think of me as damaged, but this really isn't the case. My younger self had a tendency to exaggerate his problems, which is something I think most young people do to some extent. I owe a lot to poetry, and the outlet has helped me become the introspective individual I am today. However, being of sound mind and a generally happy person, I find writing poetry to be more challenging now. Perhaps this is why I've been posting older work lately. I may need to take a lesson from my younger self and channel emotions that don't exist, in order to be more creative.
I am currently Peaceful
I am listening to "Sober" by Tool(In my head)

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Tired of These Scenes
07/26/2013 01:52 p.m.
I wonder what it is I should write on here. I used to just say anything and everything that's going on in life, but really, there's not much to tell. I doubt any of you care how work is going, or what I've been up to lately.
I read through Sylvia Plath's collection. I must say a lot of her work is far less coherent than even mine. Many of her works left me scratching my head at how seemingly random she goes from one thought to the next. Kind of reminds me of my own work, but more creative wording of course. Currently, I'm reading Dante's Inferno. I've been making a point to try and read more of the classics. Maybe I'm searching for inspiration from the greats. Next in line is Whitman. I received a copy of "Leaves of Grass" for my birthday, and I'm excited to dive into that one. I'm thinking I should add Dickinson to my list. If anyone has any suggestions on others worth reading, PM me.
I am currently Peachy
I am listening to Sixto Rodriguez

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