The Journal of Sophia Grace centuries and miles and journeys. nothing changes.
12/09/2008 07:49 p.m.
The words are always the same. They're written on my bones. No matter what I try, I always come back to the same subject matter, trying to shake it out of me. As if I say it often enough, if I feel it deeply enough, if I can only just find the correct syntax. Maybe I could move on.
I don't think I will ever move on.
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Perhaps it is time for change.
11/06/2008 05:22 p.m.
I'm so grateful that this election is over. I'm tired of the fearmongering, tired of the hate and the false accusations (from both sides). I'm grateful that President-Elect Obama won (yes, I'll admit it, the issues that are important to me more closely aligned with his beliefs). I'm also so incredibly grateful to Senator McCain for giving me back my faith in his abilities during his gracious, beautiful concession speech. I know that he will do much good for this country, that he will continue to serve bravely and passionately.
I will admit though, I am so tired of this. For the last 8 years, my candidate of choice has not won. Of course one is going to be disappointed when your choice doesn't win. But I've heard so much fear, so many people saying that they are unwilling to even give Barack Obama a chance to prove his worth as the leader of our country. So many lies about him (by the way, does anyone actually try to understand our tax system or the meaning of socialism?). For both of the previous two elections, I have sat myself down and reminded myself that, although President Bush was not my choice, I still had to give him a chance. I couldn't go on with negativity, I couldn't assume from the very beginning that he would ruin our country.
I don't even know what the point of this entry is. I think it's just that I try so very hard to give everyone a chance. I try to hard to think about issues, to analyze, to be rational. I try to believe in the best possible outcome. I try to believe that our leaders try their hardest and make mistakes, not that they're evil. It saddens me to realize that I constantly feel like I am a minority in that.
Either way, here's to a productive, healing next four years. I hope that both parties can use this time to come together, to listen, to be respectful of each other, to try to understand. As humans, we are blessed with the capacity to reason and I think it is time that we all take advantage of that gift. Let's try to understand people with views that are not our own, let's try to figure out where they're coming from and, if we can't agree with them, respect them for holding a differing opinion and being true to their convictions. I am currently Reflective
I am listening to Sufjan Stevens
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Nevada, my heart
08/27/2008 06:22 p.m.

This is only one of the many reasons why I love where I live now. I am listening to arcade fire
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