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The Journal of Maria Massarella

just this ...
04/07/2018 06:19 a.m.
This morning (mine, as in on my side of the planet) I contemplate the privilege of being here in this "Add a Journal Entry" space. On my lips the taste of then, the Golden years of PPS when I revelled in, and loved those moments of morning quiet; collecting thoughts was almost a meditation, a journey within.

How things have changed since then is not the theme of this entry. I simply need note that I am sitting in this creative-space in my home where many of my would-be-poems were written because it has been a longlong time since I found my way to savour this space, listening to spring birds chirp outside my window... taking the time to enter in me ... It has the feel of re-finding something a part of me that seemed lost ...

just this
allures of spring moment

I am listening to sarurday morning - quiet

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03/17/2018 10:46 p.m.
Please excuse the frequent logins in this my evening. It would have been lovely were it due to my commenting poems. Instead I am attempting to fix some of the broken links that were part of my image-filled library. With each image deleted the system logs me out.
Playing with images was therapy for me then in those cancer and surgery days. Now the library is simply in a mess. Poems included.(would-be-poems). I no longer have access to my photobucket account of then. Oh, well! there are more important things in life than decluttering my library. In a poetry site it is the poems that have priority and I am grateful to be able to save those where possible when I have time. Life takes me often to be with family South of Rome and when I am there at my Dad's home I don't have wi-fi on my laptop.

A special Thank You for the comments received on poems. I try sending via IM but one never knws when and if they reach destination...

Grazie. Thank you

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There may be an
02/14/2013 07:00 a.m.

absence of poems in my inspiration's bouquet but wherever the winds of inspiration may blow, or to where ever they may sail you...

May love's embrace envelope All on this beautiful day.


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though the
05/29/2012 10:01 a.m.

earth keeps quaking at Modena, all is well here on my end...not as fortunate in other areas.
these earthquake moments when seconds seem hours birth mixed emotions...


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sometimes ...
04/12/2012 02:56 a.m.

one finds answers in the most unexpected places
in unexpected moments. before ever asking.

gems of the universe


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just found in my mail
05/11/2011 10:42 a.m.
Think on This ...

. . . if thou art centered in Him, then be not afraid! Yea, He has walked the streets with the rabble and has seen the flowing of the blessings that may come through making self humble! Yea, in the face and in the power of those that might save the body, He gave: "There is no power save that Creative Force we call God may give," that the soul may be raised, may be washed, may be white, may be cleansed that it may be in the presence of the Maker Himself! Art thou choosing this way?

Edgar Cayce Reading 707-1

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like an
04/19/2011 12:21 a.m.

unexpected ray of light illumines the path

so has this potd beamed light and serenity into my day ...
how beautiful a signpost has been placed on my way
.light touch. warm embrace.
... not that one aspires to being potd. so when it happens it

Photobucket surprises. what silent-amazes me is the timing. extraspecial
finding it on returning home after night-long travel. my
mother-heart in silent-weeping-state for a situation that leaves
traces herehere&there

and who would ever have thought headaches could deliver such
p e a c e

* Grazie ...Photobucket

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01/26/2011 11:36 a.m.
my rooms are wonderfully sunfilled on this cold january day and


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10/14/2009 11:12 a.m.

defaults itself to Spanish
here in PPS

the language of joy says I

It makes me want to dance

The colours it paints me I feel
expand a oneness of heart&tongue like

So I play along and default
my library pic
ture to share my-the lovely old hand-painted
Spanish fan


as I would say in Italian

"il mio vecchio ventaglio Spagnolo dipinto a mano"

notes: I suppose 'ventaglio' contains in its' etymology il "vento" ... the wind

zephyrs a dance



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