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The Journal of Shirin Swift

dare i presume to touch
08/25/2010 12:21 p.m.

the most beautiful colour in all the world
does not exist nor can it be imagined
much like god, too simple and complicated
spiralling like a silk parasol tied to a disappearing rainbow
and rain tied to the ends of her hair
the colour, in its faded clothes, answers the door
polite, nervous, it invites me in to peer at the strange furniture
dare i presume to touch

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Thousands of poems before her and thousands after
08/22/2010 10:39 a.m.

He reads poems like women and women like poems
calling it chivalry
There are no men
or eunuchs in his harem
but hers is vaster still
more perverse
than he can fathom
and he is in it

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06/24/2010 11:14 a.m.

darkest ocean slides through the thirsty lanes
dressed in threadbare winds and holy stars
where eyes used to be spelled backwards
green velvet and pillowslips bled rosebuds
i hope you don’t do it properly that you don’t know how
that your courage will fail and my hope has to sink
into the skin with no incision to lean on and no hope
of entering the dancer’s vein i hope the darkest ocean
finds you well after murdering the blackberries
from the sides of streets and poetry books

but i do miss you

I am currently Calm
I am listening to Faith Hill

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u r
01/20/2010 08:38 a.m.

you are meant to be beautiful not this battleground of fallen branches where the world has landed, birds hunting for skinks startle and are startled, light is painted onto things over the lesser shades, lesser mysteries, a sudden flare over the trees, a shoal, a flash, and interconnecting these, the viewer ill at ease

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04/04/2009 10:40 a.m.

i forgot your new name and what mine had been
the comets and clouds the beaches and sea

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01/23/2009 08:32 a.m.

...the light forgets to go and books write themselves in the hip high ivy
where all but time is slow and melting, wild circles twisting to the sky

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spores too fine
12/29/2008 12:34 p.m.

father of fairies and stars, the feather and the petal knew it
before anyone else knew it, before even she knew it
�let�s go somewhere together,� their eyes said, �before all the things we promise
turn to sand, lest the days colonize us like moss & we are dust for a new earth�
�but, �my fluid runs through the tree�s veins, therefore I can live without you,�
their eyes said, their hands replied to the strangers walking too near & the shadows
leaning against the rocks & the darkness waiting outside

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12/15/2008 07:43 a.m.

the pain of losing you would be too great
you do not exist

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some write names in soft sand
12/03/2008 09:05 a.m.

some write names in soft sand
with their feet, tied to light and death
some feet have seen many places
fall among thorns and chaff
their outlines are darker than the rest
they are louder on the eyes
whoever comes for the fields
bare with harvest
may they marvel at the dreams spoken out loud

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11/13/2008 09:05 a.m.

ulsive to the last, the night is at war, only part of us, the sound, is found to exist, demons capture the wings of flies

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