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The Journal of Darren Swift

Black and Tan
07/19/2010 07:57 a.m.
My dog died this morning. She had a stroke at 2.15am, was seen by the emergency vet at 3.45 and I carried her back out to my bike at 4.15 stilled by a single injection.

I cried buckets before I could ride us home.

Tonight the family return from vacation and I have to break the news.

what a shitty start to the week.

I am currently Sad
I am listening to Boomtown Rats - I don't like Mondays

Comments (3)

Forgive me father for I have sinned...
02/05/2010 01:13 p.m.
It is 3 and a half years since my last journal entry...

every year I pop back to Pathetic, drop a couple in, comment on some and then invariably I disappear again...


because the site doesn't seem to change, or grow - there's a certain stagnation within Pathetic that stops it evolving past where it is now...

I made 4 comments and was accused of critiquing all over the place... the comments I made weren't critiques, they were ideas on what I'd just read, nothing more, nothing less... seems strange that people still confuse the word critique with criticise... hey ho...

As usual I shall keep my comments to myself, unless asked, which is very rare nowadays, thank god ;o)

I am currently Blessed
I am listening to my son and daughter jamming upstairs

Comments (1)

Poem of the day!!!
08/25/2006 05:00 p.m.
Damn, I got poem of the day - thanks for whoever put it up - really appreciated, never thought my little ditty about the Reeves would get on the home page.

I've not been as active here as I used to be, I'm busy now with real life stuff, very active with a local writing group, performing, have learned guitar and am now busy writing really REALLY bad songs, but life is fantastic, we are all healthy, (for a change)... and I got

poem of the day - COOL

ciao all

I am currently Happy
I am listening to C minor, A minor, C

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