The Journal of Elizabeth Jill

S p i r i t
08/26/2015 10:43 p.m.
Thank you for listening...

 photo Terry Olynik.jpg
I am currently Better
I am listening to S p i r i t

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tabla + update
03/18/2010 06:08 p.m.

Update on Scheherazade

Scheherazade will be ready for her 2nd Service/Guide Dog Exam this coming weekend. She and I have been focused deep in signal-learning from this past January through today. She's able to discern different snaps of my fingers, what they mean and how to respond; she's got it down that my open hand moving down is a request for her to lay down, a closed hand to sit, a raising hand to rise, a hand forming a "T" to wait, two hands folded across means stop and pay attention only to me. She'll be 10 months old on the 21st, and is beyond the progress of what I expected of her by this time. I think she'll be completely ready to visit her first children's hospital and veteran's hospital by early summer!

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09/19/2009 01:33 p.m.

Four months old today.

She passed her first Service Dog Requirement exam, and is now officially "Service Dog In Training."
I'm taking her to Whole Earth Provision today for some practice in public!

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Aziz Shihab Tribute: Mural Poem / Talking With Stones
12/04/2007 12:28 a.m.

talking with stones
by Elizabeth Jill

The oceans will weep
forever forever forever
the sky will reflect
forever forever forever
the desert will burn
forever forever forever
the paths of our past
forever forever forever

Click on Image to view mural's beginning.

"In a country of madness,
people will bother you less
if you are crazy."

Aziz Shihab

Author's Note: I remember when I first met Aziz. He lived behind newspapers and books, and had the wryest humor which always made complete sense. And still does. And always will. Aziz passed away Monday, October 22, 2007. Father of my beloved friend Naomi, he gave me advice in one brief sentence filled with humor and truth. Yes, the one under the picture of the mural poem. In his recent book, Does the Land Remember Me?, he explains how he came to this observation. I will carry his wholesome beloved wink with me forever. Shalom indeed. Jill

I am listening to November Rain and Naomi.

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