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The Journal of Nikki Benson

Monday is my favorite day of the week!
05/17/2005 05:00 p.m.

Oh my goodness!!! Open mic last night was awesome! I screwed up so bad though! I really messed up. Thank goodness my voice was dazzling enough that they didn�t seem to notice how many times I messed up on guitar. I nailed my own song though� Well for the most part. They love me. : ) But I really messed up� Hard! They didn�t know though. Except for the part when I sang the third verse on the second and third verse� What the hell is my problem? I was nervous ok� I was really nervous� Next week will be better. They will love me even more next week. I�m excited!

I am currently Great
I am listening to Jeff Buckley

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Music is amazing!!!
05/16/2005 09:30 p.m.


I went home today during my lunch and practiced a new song that I am going to play at open mic tonight� It is so great being nervous about music! I feel nervous yet� confident. Excited! That�s the perfect word. I am very excited about tonight. I have come to love Mondays! Shoot me, but I love Mondays because open Mic at Trabant is on Mondays. I�m still playing shows and what not, but open mic has kind of forced me to be creative because this open mic is flooded with talent. Living in the U district has also pushed me to be more creative because if there is anything in the U-district it�s young fresh creative talent. It feels like home already� the home that�s been waiting for me to find it and I couldn�t be more excited!

I am currently Great
I am listening to Guess!

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Hello Seattle!!!
05/13/2005 05:04 p.m.

It is my 14th day living absolutely alone� It�s kind of nice. No it�s actually really nice. It�s really cool not to have to even think, �Who is in the bathroom??? I have to take a shower!!!� Or, �Kathleen is going to kill me if I throw this glass bottle in the garbage.� Or, �I really would like to be left alone right now�� Or, �Will you get the hell out of my room!� Or, �If Jessyca doesn�t shut the hell up I am going to off myself!� ahhhh� Living alone is really nice! My neighbors are really nice. One of them is really HOT! He�s been really nice, he took me out for drinks with his friends and came over and played guitar with me. Do I like him you ask? Hell NO! That�s would be kinda weird� I�m not doing the whole �singles, like the people in your building� thing. But he is excruciatingly hot. When you play 11 instruments� you�re hot� It�s just a given. Anyway� Life is kinda sweet�

I am currently Blessed
I am listening to Radiohead

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05/12/2005 04:19 p.m.
When did it start?
Did it ever?
When I first saw your face I didn�t really think much besides �He�s kinda cute.� and that was enough.

Now when I am looking back I am wondering when I got on the road that leads me to this place, I don�t like it here.

I thought maybe you were interested when you invited me out on your birthday. I showed you in my way that I was flirting with the idea by buying you a couple of drinks. Did you pick up the signal?

I thought you did because when you hugged her it was brief and when you hugged me you lingered. Or was that in my head?

Maybe that�s what I wanted to feel because I was attracted to you; but you smiled at me.

I was kind of interested but I didn�t talk about you yet; then you invited me over for your party.

�For sure� I thought you had some interest then. The moment you saw me you rapped your arms around me, you held me so close, so hard. It was so comfortable there.

You told me that you wanted me to come over and play music with you, you said you would write music to play with mine you said you wanted to hang out with me, but you never called.

�Oh well� I thought to myself perhaps you were busy and didn�t have the chance but surely if you saw me all the time you would make your move�

But you never did�

Then I got to thinking� �I wonder if this guy is interested in me at all?� then you hugged me again.

Why do you touch me if you don�t want to touch me? Unless you do want to touch me� then does that mean that??? Does that mean???

I couldn�t assume that it meant anything, but I still tipped you.

Then one random day you asked me to go camping with you, I tried to look past the red in your eyes from the fresh bud you just smoked into your beautiful hassle, but I couldn�t, and I didn�t go.

I wonder if my shut down was a turn off. Oh well. Life goes on, you�re still beautiful, I�ll wonder if you ever liked me, and I�ll still tip you.
I am currently Bemused
I am listening to Sade

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New idea : )
05/04/2005 04:31 p.m.
So I was about to sneeze this morning and I go to grab a tissue preemptively and as I am grabbing it in haste, a second tissue pretty much jumps out at me that I had forgotten that I stuffed in there because it came out by accident yesterday. Did that run on sentence make sense? Probably not. But the moral of this story is I thought of a new movie idea... Crouching Kleenex Hidden Tissue.


I have lived alone for about three days now... :)

I am currently Good
I am listening to These Arms are snakes

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Jitter bug
04/29/2005 04:35 p.m.
My show is tonight... I don't know what to weir... Why do I still get pre-show jitters? Not like I haven't been playing shows for long enough... I'm supposed to sing at a wedding tomorrow night... I'm really considering blowing it off...

I'm moving tomorrow... Oh my God! I am so not ready! My live is crazy right now!!! I Crazy as it sounds... but I will be happy when it is Monday and all of this craziness is over and I am back to my normal flow... The one thing that will be different is I will be walking to work. YES! One mother freaking block from work! YES!

I am currently Anxious
I am listening to Me practicing in my head...

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Nothing and everything amazing
04/28/2005 04:31 p.m.
So�K I am moving this Saturday�K It is going to be my first time living on my own without room mates�K I am exited. I am mostly excited because I am going to be living one block from work and I can go home to do ANYTHING! I imagine I am going to be spending a lot of time at home. �� At least at first because I have never lived alone and the entire place will be all mine to do whatever the heck I want to I am going to be looking forward to making it really cute and my style. Besides that�K nothing pressing. I��m moving in two days!!! AAAHHH!!!
I am currently Excited
I am listening to Blood Brothers

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