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The Journal of Tota Longmire

Snapshot Kieyanna
05/23/2007 05:41 p.m.
�Come on, wench,� Atalar snarled, bringing up his practice sword in plenty of time to parry her blow.
�I hate this form,� Kieyanna panted out softly, �It�s all curvy in the wrong places.� The serving wench she had studied the night before had been very curvy, though if the guys in the tavern had been any indication they had liked what they saw. She parried a few more of his blows, moving slowly and exaggerating the clumsiness she felt in the form, trying to bait him into a mistake.
There! She moved quicker, blocking his sword with her own and stepping into his defenses, pointing her hardened, suddenly edged, finger at his throat. �You�re dead!�
�You�re cheating,� he returned, relaxing slightly. �The exercise was to maintain the wench.�
�I did!� She relaxed her concentration, allowing the wench to melt away as she resumed her natural, more comfortable form. Even has her form shrunk down to its five foot two inches she noticed his eyes skate away from her. A changeling midchange was never pretty, but that fact still didn�t help her flash of anger.
�Hardening your finger to slit a man�s throat is not maintaining a shape!� Atalar was annoyed at her, mainly she thought, because he hated losing.
�How isn�t it and what harm would it do anyway? At that point it wouldn�t matter if they knew I wasn�t a wench or not, besides, what wench knows how to fight?� She knew she would make Atalar more annoyed if not angry, but she hated the pointless drills that always seemed to focus more on the shapes she could make than her actual skill at fighting. She pushed her colorless hair out of her face with annoyance, and thought she should cut it again, yet wondered at the same time if it would look like the wench�s if she let it grow long.
�Wenches don�t have knife blades for fingers, that�s how it isn�t maintaining a shape and it doesn�t matter if wenches can�t fight because until you learn to follow instructions you won�t be going on assignment!� Atalar�s voice had hardened to a flint edge with his anger and annoyance at her. �You, as a Grimzek, have a duty to something larger than yourself and must learn to follow instructions until you can perceive the larger plan of the Council,� his voice was still flinty but had taken on the rhythm that Kieyanna knew meant he was reciting a lesson he had heard from another trainer.
She felt her anger flair up in response to that which she heard in his voice and knew that he was trying her help her, but she couldn�t stop her retort, �Am I Grimzek then? I�ve been in these hills, living in a cave for five years and have yet to even get wind of an assignment. I�ve heard stories of babes born into the Grimzek having more use than I. All I do is train and have the way of the Grimzek and the will of the Council lectured at me day and night.� She knew this would anger him because Atalar, like herself, had been here five years and was waiting for an assignment. In fact, it had been he that had come across her beaten and half dead in the hills.
He stiffened, as she had known he would at the insinuation that someone who had not been on assignment for five years was not Grimzek, and also she suspected at her ungrateful attitude toward the lessons that he and others had been teaching her since she had been healed. As Atalar turned on his heel and stomped off she felt a moment of remorse for making him angry, but it was quickly quelled by her own anger at him for being angry at her.
I am currently Indifferent
I am listening to Switchfoot - The Economy of Mercy

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Parking Lots
05/07/2007 08:25 p.m.
We had been through everything together, all of life�s little ups, downs, diagonals and sideways; we�d been down all the roads of life and in the parking lots that line it where people that have given up park their trailers and those of us who are just stopping for a breather could get trapped in a trailer of our own with a few rusty trucks in the overgrown lawn, suffering from the �I don�t care� epidemic that�s been sweeping this particular parking lot forever; we had always managed to escape the parking lots together, alternately dragging each other along until we�d hit the true road again and could run as fast as we wanted without the fear of falling and skinning our knees; he got tired and did not want to leave last time; he had his trailer with his old, rusty, blue Nissan in the grass that was waist-high in places and short and patchy in others; here is where he wanted to stay and wanted me to stay, too; I couldn�t stay; though, I tried, but I fell and skinned my knees in that parking lot and I couldn�t stand it, so I ran hard and got away.

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03/21/2005 02:11 a.m.
Lately there have been a lot of religious discussions being held. I have held back my beliefs because they are controversial, even to Christians. Here is what I believe; I�m posting it online because I feel safer at the other end of these computers. Comment questions and I�ll answer them to the best of my ability.
I believe that Jesus Christ is the way to heaven. Though I don�t believe in heaven or hell in the typical sense of hell being fire and brimstone and heaven being perfect white and gold. I also believe in reincarnation. Reincarnation makes the most sense to me, it also answer the question of �what about those who don�t know about Jesus to be saved?� Reincarnation gives them the chance to come back and learn.
Now for my spill with bible references, which I believe is flawed, but over all is God�s word.
In Genesis God creates man twice, once in his image (Genesis 1:27) and then again from the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7). I believe that the first reference to men �So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.� (Genesis 1:27) is when God created our souls. Later when he makes us from the ground is when he made our physical bodies.
In John 9:2 the disciples show their belief in reincarnation by asking Jesus if a man, blind from birth was blind because of his own actions. In this case Jesus tells the disciples that the man was blind for God�s glory. For the disciples to ask if someone who was blind from birth was so because of their actions shows a belief in reincarnation.
If you read Malachi 4:5 Elijah was going to come again to prepare the way for Jesus. In Matthew 11:14 Jesus says that John the Baptist is Elijah.
In 2 Peter 3:9 �He [the Lord] is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. I think this shows reincarnation because for him to be patient and want everyone to repent everyone must have the same opportunity. Reincarnation allows for the child born into an unchristian area, be it a household or a nation, to be reborn in a different situation.

My spill. Ask questions and I�ll answer best I can.
I am currently Reflective
I am listening to Ferrets playing on the floorboards

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01/16/2005 02:35 a.m.
A girl in a melancholy mood walks. Her head is bowed and she frowns. She frowns at the wintry sky and at the bare tree branches. She is unhappy, not for any know reason, she just is.
She scuffs her feet on the ground and pauses in front of a pond. The cold gray waters seem to upset her even more. She frowns at it and starts to turn, to go on. But a fish jumps. A silvery flash is all the girl sees, at first. Then she sees the ripples, they seem big, but then they slowly fade away. The girl thinks the ripples didn�t affect anything. Then she notices a log bobbing that wasn�t moving before, slowly up and down. Making it�s own set of ripples. The girl laughs, suddenly happy. She sends out ripples of her own.
An old man walks up his driveway, he thinks of his age, about how his bones ache and how old he is. He drags his feet in dried leaves. The leaves whisper for him not to be sad, but the old man doesn�t hear them. Instead he hears the girls laugh, and he smiles. Knowing that after he is gone, like leaves on a tree, he will be replace with smiling laughing children. He smiles and goes inside to make ripples of his own.
I am currently Indifferent
I am listening to My brothers Tv across the hall

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Moonlight Ride
01/16/2005 02:32 a.m.
I run to my bike, kick up the kickstand and go. Three quick turns on the pedals and I�m speeding through the yard, down into the ditch then out again - out onto the road.
The black shadow moving ahead is my dog. We are both happy to be out in the moonshine away from the four walls of the house. I pedal quickly uphill, my legs pumping and my breath coming in short quick puffs of air. My unzipped sweater blows in the breeze behind me. My hair bounces on my shoulders in rhythm with the movement of my legs.
I glance up at the sky. The moon is full. The words to an unwritten song form in my mind. I sing softly to my dog and the dark cool night.
I used to ride at night,
Underneath the full moon.
Felt I was the only one alive.
Spread my arms and pretend to fly.
Those were the good times.
I stop singing and put my hand on my brake, I slow, listening for my dog. I cannot see her, nor hear her. I whistle once, a long low whistle, calling her to my side. I see the dark shadow that is her speeding toward me. I begin to pedal again, picking up speed. Cold wind blowing on my cheeks chills them.
I ride past the pond. Glancing at it, I see the moon and trees reflected in the dark waters. It is beautiful, but tonight even more beautiful is the solitude, the aloneness, the speed and the darkness.
I hear the clatter, patter that is my dog�s claws on the asphalt. Running near my side, she goes faster and faster as I pedal harder.
It is downhill. One, two, three, four pedals and then I have enough speed! Coasting downhill picking up speed, I release the handlebars. I stand up on the pedals, gripping the seat between my knees to keep my balance. I spread my arms out, flying. I close my eyes to relish the breeze.
The ride is almost done. I whistle to my dog again. The whistle says �Hurry it is almost done, almost over.� Her patter clattering paws in harmony with the soft whirring sound of tires on pavement, she runs faster still.
My dog veers off the road and is now running in the grass. I hear the tinkling of disturbed water as she runs through a puddle. I ride past a yard where two black cocker spaniels are penned. They do not hear the harmony of tires and dog claws as we ride past. They sleep on without barking.
I pedal hard once again to pick up enough speed to make it through the ditch. Heading toward home my dog crosses in front of me. I am through the ditch and moving toward the house, and then I am there. I hop off my bike while it is still moving. I park it and head inside in a matter of seconds. I crouch right outside the door. Pet my dog, tell her she is good and that�s it is over. We are home.
I am currently Alienated
I am listening to My keys on the keyboard

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