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The Journal of S.J. Tyler

07/04/2006 05:24 p.m.
i'm in more of a reading period than a writing one right now but i feel like that could change any moment now.
I am currently Crafty
I am listening to The Dresden Dolls

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published yay, but i wish i could write something new
12/27/2004 08:18 a.m.
another poetry block. i just got the magazine here at school i was published in though. beautiful, i'm glad they picked the poems they did. they actually put nice pictures with them too. Her Eyes and Jelly Rolled Tongue.
I am currently Good
I am listening to Tegan and Sara - So Jealous

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what a quick year
09/23/2004 06:05 p.m.
I just noticed that one of my favorites, of the poems that i have written, is almost a year old already. i can't believe it. Only when i look back and remember why i wrote Cherries, does a year sound correct. It's nearing that time again, I wonder what this year shall bring. I could DEFINITELY use more cherries.
I am currently Cheerful
I am listening to Ben Folds - Hiro's Song

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05/04/2004 11:16 p.m.
I hate when people get terminated from pathetic, even if its for a good reason. Basically though, i hate it because they are completely wiped out. everything with their name on it is taken away and its like they never existed, and thats really what gets to me. I've been wracking my brain trying to think of something to suggest to an admin about remedying this, but then again, alot of people don't want to see the names of some people again. i know that some people in the past have done bad things and no one really wants to be reminded. i just wish there was some way to find out people's names.. and sometimes what they did to get terminated. then again, i guess those people wouldn't be too thrilled about having it announced like that. there would be alot of ridicule. i just hate it when people disappear and you can't even always find out who. i feel like its the ss men in nazi germany, not that im saying its a dictatorship. it just worries me. i wish people would follow the rules, they arent difficult. :(
I am currently Depressed
I am listening to Ben Folds - Gone

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Another Shari Poem
04/25/2004 06:06 p.m.
I have been so drained lately, I haven't been up for any poetry. Sticking to a little Sci-Fi Prose, I have a nice little story that's coming out cute. Anyway, Shari wrote this and I thought it was wonderful. She doesn't write many poems, but when she does, they are great, even if she doesn't think so. Too bad she won't try for a Pathetic library. Anyway, please comment on this trippy abecie:

consuming drugs
finally grinning, happy, imagination jumping, kicking
luminescant men need orphices, penises quivering righteously, seeking to unload viruses
weakly extinguishing, you're zipping and breaking.

I am currently Crafty
I am listening to Homestarrunner.com

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Poem By Shari, not me
03/09/2004 03:30 a.m.
And in the light of morning's birth
A sparrow does awake
To make himself a home and hearth
On the shore next to the lake

On off he goes up to the sky
Enjoying his rise and fall
When after time he asks himself why
He should land at all

He continues on his wonderous flight
The ground just passing by
But despite the gallant sparrow's might
His energy runs dry

"Land, I must," this sparrow said
And looks around for ground
But no matter where he turned his head
Such land could not be found

His revery initially
Had caused him to be blind
To watching his flight carefully
And how he left the shore behind

In open water he now flew
Not knowing where to fly
All he could see was miles of blue
Both in the ocean and the sky

His poor old mother, bless her soul
Taught him how to land and take off
But how to on water he was never told
So he was in a trough

Search, he did, with all his might
And flew until he could
But thought the gallantry of his flight
His wings gave out for good

The little sparrow could not swim
Even though he tried
So into the ocean this bird plunged in
And after moments of struggle he died

its funny how now i'm finding metaphor in everything, just like her.
I am currently Devoted
I am listening to truly madly deeply - savage garden

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Snow Day
01/28/2004 04:22 p.m.
i finally have some time to rest and think. its wonderful. spring semester will start on monday, the regent i was supposed to take today was rescheduled. im glad i wasnt working today anyway, or that would ruin my snow day bliss. only one semester left and im out of high school. its going too slowly. it needs to go faster. i know that's a childish thing to say but it does. i want to go to college and start my life already. when living here means pretending to be someone i'm not, the sooner i get out the better. hey, what's 6 months when i never have to look back after that? i can do it. Barnard, here i come.
I am currently Lovely
I am listening to Beatles - Dear Prudence

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writers block erased... at least for now
10/28/2003 11:25 p.m.
wow, this is such a good writing week. creativity is just pouring out of me. poems, drawings, plots.. its amazing. and people are actually liking my stuff here on pathetic, i'm still not sure why, but i'm ecstatic! i got honorable mention in the abecadarian contest!!! i've never won anything on pathetic before. i'm so proud. :)Maybe if i didn't have so much to do i could get to work on my script, nah, doesn't look like it :(
I am currently Creative
I am listening to Urinetown - Act I Finale

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