
The Journal of Madeline Pestolesi

Poo on school
09/12/2005 02:34 a.m.
School sucks. I'm totally burned out from going this summer and last summer and now I'm mentally exhausted and this semester makes me want to hurl. Not really, but maybe a little sometimes. The only thing I have to hold on to is my creative writing class that's taught by one of my favorite ex-writers for the Press. Speaking of the Press, I never thought I'd miss it so much, but I do. Ok, Shane says I have to get off his computer now. I'm posting his comment on here so that he can come here and read it one day. Ha ha ha. I hope he does.
I am listening to RJD2

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Haven't written in a while
08/28/2005 08:23 p.m.
Tomorrow's the first day of school. The first day of my last semester of school, ever. Unless I go to grad school, but we'll see. I finished my job at the Press on Friday. It was sad. I didn't want to stop working there, but whatever. I am still going to do freelance work for them. My goal is to write at least one feature story in the next few months that I can really be proud of and use as a clip of my work. I'm going to a "passion party" this afternoon. Sex toys galore! I can't wait. Anyway, I guess that's it. Nothing that exciting.

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07/27/2005 10:31 p.m.
If that's how you spell it. Well, Shane has it. Today was the first day since Thursday that he woke up and didn't sound like he was dying and wasn't drenched with sweat. I was so worried about him, I have never seen him that sick, ever. But he seems like he's finally getting better. Frankly, I'm surprised that I didn't get it at this point. I do feel kind of sick though, but more my stomach than my lungs. Anyway, that's all I've been doing for the last 5 days, trying to keep him comfortable. Today's my long day at work, and then I'm going home to sleep for 12 hours. Seriously, I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in I don't know how long.

It'll be glorious.

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07/17/2005 08:05 p.m.
Yesterday at my sister's wedding and reception, I realized something about families: all families are embarrassing, thus I can't let my family humiliate me, because everyone else's family does it too.

But really, what an insane group of people. Women who get "butt pains" when they're grossed out by something? I didn't realize how crazy it was, until I said it out loud one day to Shane, and he said "Wait, hang on. 'Butt Pains?' I don't think so." But it's true, I get a really weird feeling in my butt when something grosses me out and it runs down my legs. It happens to my aunt and cousins too.

Maybe I'm just one of the crazy ones.

P.S. 300 pages into the new Harry Potter. yeah, I bought it that day it came out and I'm 23, so what? Ya know, to be honest, I'm not as impressed with Rowling's writing style in this one as I have been in the others. I've had to pause over several sentences to try and figure it out. And I've found a couple of typos. Or maybe it's just that I wasn't a copy editor when I read her last few books.

I am currently bodacious
I am listening to RJD2

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Dave Chappelle among a tangent
07/13/2005 08:42 a.m.
Every time I see Dave Chappelle on TV, or read about him, I repsect him even more. I know that's random, but it's 12:30 and I'm sitting in the dark with Stew and a towel under the door, sneaky.

My sister's getting married on Saturday. I can't wait, it's going to be so much fun. Little does she know I snuck "MMMM bop" into her wedding music. Heh heh heh. Good this she doesn't read this. My family is flying in tomorrow night, I haven't seen any of them is so long, at least a year or more. I love showing Alaska to people, it's so amazing to see the impressions of people who have never been here. At least I'm not as jaded as I used to be.

Shane is wonderful. It's good. Everything. I may be broke, but I feel that success should be measured by the achieval of personal goals, not on how much money one makes. I told myself last summer that I would be a writer. I said I would work at the Press. I said I would see my name in print. And I did that, all of it. So, boo-yah. I would just like to take a well-deserved moment of gloating. I realized today that by the time I graduate in December, I will have gone to school non-stop for 2 1/2 years, no summers off. That's intense. Speaking of intense, I saw "War of the Worlds" today. I'm not a fan of Tom Cruise, but Shane was gagging to see it.

I'm really excited for the wedding. I know I already said that, but there will be kegs of moose's tooth beer, and fun, drunken dancing. And Shane is a rare boy who loves to dance and is extremely good at it. Thank God, because he can lead and make me look like I know what I'm doing. (I don't.)

Ok, that's it.
I am listening to Chappelle's show

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he he!
07/07/2005 02:15 a.m.
Today I got an e-mail from my editor telling me something I wrote this week is really good, the "best I've written so far." So I am sitting at my desk filled with secret glee. It's funny, because I didn't think it was that great, but whatever. They're a tough crowd, so if they like it, it must be good. Would it be out of line for me to demand that they hire me after I graduate? I hope not, since I'm planning on at least asking anyway. I don't know if they'll be able to, because I have to leave at the end of August to go back to school until December. But I guess that's only about 3 1/2 months. I got to write Blotter this week, too. Lots of crazy crimes over the holiday weekend, but that makes for good news. Some dude in Seward was arrested twice in the SAME DAY for drunk driving. The first was at 4:30 am, the second at 10:30 pm. What a jackass. At least he was remanded without bail the second time.

God, my back hurts.

I am currently Giddy

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Bling at last!
07/01/2005 02:15 a.m.
Tomorrow I will receive my first paycheck in 7 months. It won't be big, but it will be money. It will mean I can buy groceries, pay rent, and MAYBE - wait for it - buy a new tire for my car so I don't have to refill the back right one every freaking day. Then, with no money left over, I can go to the Forest Fair in Girdwood and not buy anything. I hate money because I need it. And I love material things. Actually, mostly just shoes. God, I love shoes. I think it's almost an unnatural obsession.

And, for the first time, I get to do Blotter at work. It's not a caledar box! Wohoo! I was starting to just get a little tired of the Cal boxes. At least the ones I'm doing this week are cool. Comedian, Musician, musician. I really enjoy calling up PR people and saying "I'm a reporter with the Anchorage Press, and I want to talk to your fancy musician." Then they give me the fancy musician's phone number and I talk to them, it's awesome. But when I have to interview tourists for Tourist of the Week, it's really tough. Tourists aren't nearly as nice (usually) as the locals, and I'm not used to it. Old people are really suspicious of me when I stop them on the street, tell them I'm a reporter, and ask if I can talk to them. Or they get all pissy when I ask for their name. I'm not asking for their social security number, for fuck's sake, but they look at me like I'm mugging them. I always smile and say Sir and Ma'm too, so it's not like I'm rude. Man, Outsiders are so suspicious.

I am currently sweeeeeeet
I am listening to RJD2

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06/29/2005 11:07 p.m.
I'm bored. It's wednesday, so I'm between editing pages. I even had enough time to do my mid-term between work. Summer classes blow. It's not even that anything I'm taking is difficult, there's just a lot of stupid assignments. Oh well. After this, one more semester. And maybe the Press with hire me after I graduate, that'd be sweet. I could just drop out of college now, since I only have 13 credits left. Good plan, huh? I'm not going to do that, but it's tempting. It's not as though taking Yoga and History of Rhetoric in the fall is going to make a difference in my degree. Grrrrr. Oh well.

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giving up
06/22/2005 06:33 a.m.
ok, so for the last 3 months, every time I get on here, I'm missing more comments. I have gotten up over 400 about 5 times, but then I always loose at least 2 and that knocks it back down. What gives? Has there been a quitting/terminating spree? Am I just out of the loop? But I am giving up on the idea that I will successfully maintain over 400 comments. I give them to other people, but where are my comments? GLORIOUS COMMENTS! After more than 2 years on this site, I realize that I need to actually write on a regular basis and maybe read and comment on more of other members' stuff, but hey, I'm a busy girl. I work full time, take classes, have a boyfriend, and still have to find lots of time for sex.

And drinking.
I am listening to Nelly Furtado

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06/21/2005 08:28 p.m.
Today is Soltice, the longest day of the year. Anchorage will have almost 20 hours of daylight! And wat am I doing? Working. That's ok, since I have the coolest job I've ever had.

I'm a fucking rock star.
I am currently Great
I am listening to general office noise

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